I help women to get stronger and feel more energised with Pilates


Post Natal Program

An 8 week pilates program that targets your core, pelvic floor, glutes and shoulders to help you to build your strength back up after having a baby. On demand so you can fit it in around motherhood. Ideal for anyone who has had a baby or hasn’t moved the way they want to since having one.

Sign up today for just $149.

Unwind with me…

Using just your body weight and the exercises that Joe invented over 80 years ago, increase total body strength effectively in just half an hour.

Unwind Pilates Online Membership

Four x 15 minute ‘on demand’ and one live 30 minute pilates class every week plus access to over 70 x 30 minute full body pilates workouts. If you’re wanting to squeeze in more pilates to your life this is for you

The place to start if you’ve recently given birth. Gentle classes to re-engage your core and pelvic floor, strengthen your glutes and upper back and restore spinal mobility. You don’t need fancy equipment , just a mat and 15 minutes every other day.

Online post natal program

8 weeks to a stronger more connected body after having a baby. Perfect if it’s still new or you are just getting back into movement again. All online, all on the mat, all in short, easy to fit in workouts.

Change happens through movement, and movement heals - Joseph Pilates

Loved by real women, just like you.


Meet Laura…

Laura first discovered Pilates mat classes in 2010 while working as an industrial chemist. The first class she ever did left her feeling free from the pains of sitting all day, full of energy and focused for the whole afternoon. She has not stopped doing pilates since that day.